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Durata: 105 min

Genere: Horror, Thriller

Lingua: Inglese

Età 18

Regia: Ti West

Con: Mia Goth, Jenna Ortega, Brittany Snow, Kid Cudi, Martin Henderson, Owen Campbell, Stephen Ure, James Gaylyn, Simon Prast, Geo...

In 1979, a crew of ambitious and hungry kids decides to shoot an adult film in rural Texas, but the elderly couple who host them, on an isolated and undisturbed farm, begin to have a lewd interest in young people. actors. Overnight, this morbid interest will explode in all its violence and terror.

105 min

Genere: Horror, Thriller

Lingua: Inglese

Età 18

Regia: Ti West

Con: Mia Goth, Jenna Ortega, Brittany Snow, Kid Cudi, Martin Henderson, Owen Campb...

In 1979, a crew of ambitious and hungry kids decides to shoot an adult film in rural Texas, but the elderly couple who host them, on an isolated and undisturbed farm, begin to have a lewd interest in young people. actors. Overnight, this morbid interest will explode in all its violence and terror.
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